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Khushbu’s Journey of Hope

Khushbu Kumari, a 9-month-old girl, was born to a BPL (Below Poverty Line) family. She faced malnutrition from birth due to limited resources. Her father worked as a daily wage earner.

Despite Khushbu’s critical condition, her parents hesitated to take her to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) due to their responsibilities. The project person raised the issue during a community meeting, urging the Anganwadi Worker’s intervention. They emphasized Khushbu’s life-threatening condition.

Prompt action was taken by stakeholders. They explained the importance of NRC to Khushbu’s family, who eventually agreed. The project team ensured Khushbu’s safe transfer to the NRC.

The team continued monitoring Khushbu’s progress, leading to gradual improvement in her health. She transformed into a healthy child thanks to persistent follow-up.

The Problem

In the Champaran district the existing health care facility is in dilapidated condition. The main barrier of accessibility is distance from the village, lack of medicines and non-availability of doctors. Due to inaccessibility of health services, the burden of home delivery is still prevalent. Maternal health and nutrition, as well as adolescent nutrition have important consequences for intergenerational transmission of malnutrition.

The Solution

CRY America Project CHARDS has been working towards improved access to quality primary health care in 20 villages. The key activities of the project are sensitizing the community on various mother and child health issues, exploring alternatives for ensuring education of the children, and capacity building of adolescent and adolescent resource centers.

Impact of the Project

74 community meetings conducted
153 girls went through Hb testing
77 mothers counseled
13 sessions conducted for girls’ collectives

2023 Plans

● Nukkad Natak on the villages on different health issues
● Publication of IEC material for village level campaign and awareness building
● Awareness campaign through video shown on immunization
● Celebrating Breastfeeding Week and Nutrition Month.
● Capacity building of caregivers on nutrition and supplementary feeding.
● School based awareness campaign.
● Celebration of Deworming Day.
● Follow up with CDPO and block coordinator of Poshan Mission to ensure proper growth monitoring by AWWs.

2023 Budget